Left to Our Own Devices: Power Down

2018-04-24 08.42.57.pngComedian Jim Gaffigan has a bit about taking his family to Disney World in his special Mr. Universe. He compares Disney World in July to standing in line on the surface of the sun. “Remember when you were a kid and you would go on vacation and go, ‘why is dad always in a bad mood? Now I understand.’” It’s funny because it’s true. Vacation isn’t always what it appears to be. Continue reading “Left to Our Own Devices: Power Down”

Relationship Precedes Rules with God

dec-6When God spoke the Ten Commandments to Moses and the Israelites they were at the base of Mount Sinai. They had consecrated themselves per God’s instructions. God had big plans for them when he told Moses,

“Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, 6 you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” Exodus 19:5–6 (NIV)

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Trumpets, Pyrotechnics and Terror; The First Megachurch Worship Service: Reflections on Exodus 19-20:21

courtesy unsplash.com

At First Glance – Read Exodus 19-20:21
Moses and the Israelites set up base camp at Mt. Sinai. God’s intentions are to have the Israelites close enough that they can hear Him speak to Moses. The priests are all ready for something to go down. They have been consecrated. God wants them to look but not touch. He names some very specific violent actions that are to be taken against anyone who even touches the mountain. Oh, and you better keep your lamb on a leash. For a time, I thought that God only talked to Moses but here the people can hear God or overhear Him. God’s preparing them to be a kingdom of priests, a Holy nation.

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Miracle Mayhem, God Wins by Knockout: Reflections from Exodus 11-15:21


At First Glance – Read Exodus 11-15:21
The miracles continue! For the Egyptians you could say that the terror continues. The worst of the worst happens to each Egyptian household. Even for those who are in prison their firstborn dies. Even for those who are not directly connected to this battle between God and Pharaoh, there are consequences. Is this an example of communal sin? Slavery and oppression existed in Egypt. They’re infrastructure was built on the backs of slaves. They profit on free labor and the wealthy get filthy rich. But the Israelites are too numerous to control anymore because they have a God who has not forgotten them and is sympathetic to their plight. In fact, being more than sympathetic he fights for his people until the very end. All they must do is be still and let Him do His thing!

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I’m a Terrible Public Speaker: Reflections from Exodus 6-10


Read Exodus 6-10

At First Glance

I had forgotten that Aaron appears to be more than just supporting cast in the plagues narrative. God provided Moses with Aaron because of Moses’ many excuses/fears, including “I’m a terrible public speaker,” and “Who would listen to me?” This last concern is validated for Moses when he tells the Israelites of the Lord’s promise to free them. They were not able to receive that message with faith and joy because of the increasing hardship of forced labor due to Moses’ intervention with Pharaoh. “If I can’t get my own people to listen to me why do you expect that Pharaoh would?” Moses is short sighted and all he can see is his weaknesses and fears and not God’s immanence and strength. This is a God versus Pharaoh wrestling match. Moses is God’s tag team partner and Pharaoh does not hold the belt. Even with his army he is outnumbered and outmatched.

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Run! It’s a Snake: Reflections from Exodus Chapters 1-5

Courtesy pexels.com

Read Exodus 1-5

Initial Thoughts
I love the humanity of the scriptures. In what appears to be good luck, or rather for the believer, divine intervention, Moses is given a great childhood and upbringing in Pharaoh’s household while being cared for by his own mother. Incredible. Moses grows up with a sense of justice for his relatives, the Hebrew people, and tries to take matters into his own hand by stepping in to rescue a slave by killing the Egyptian who is beating him. He seems so brave, or impulsive and reckless. I see him already filled with rage at the treatment of his own people. It’s been building up and comes to a boiling point that day.

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