I’m a Terrible Public Speaker: Reflections from Exodus 6-10


Read Exodus 6-10

At First Glance

I had forgotten that Aaron appears to be more than just supporting cast in the plagues narrative. God provided Moses with Aaron because of Moses’ many excuses/fears, including “I’m a terrible public speaker,” and “Who would listen to me?” This last concern is validated for Moses when he tells the Israelites of the Lord’s promise to free them. They were not able to receive that message with faith and joy because of the increasing hardship of forced labor due to Moses’ intervention with Pharaoh. “If I can’t get my own people to listen to me why do you expect that Pharaoh would?” Moses is short sighted and all he can see is his weaknesses and fears and not God’s immanence and strength. This is a God versus Pharaoh wrestling match. Moses is God’s tag team partner and Pharaoh does not hold the belt. Even with his army he is outnumbered and outmatched.

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Run! It’s a Snake: Reflections from Exodus Chapters 1-5

Courtesy pexels.com

Read Exodus 1-5

Initial Thoughts
I love the humanity of the scriptures. In what appears to be good luck, or rather for the believer, divine intervention, Moses is given a great childhood and upbringing in Pharaoh’s household while being cared for by his own mother. Incredible. Moses grows up with a sense of justice for his relatives, the Hebrew people, and tries to take matters into his own hand by stepping in to rescue a slave by killing the Egyptian who is beating him. He seems so brave, or impulsive and reckless. I see him already filled with rage at the treatment of his own people. It’s been building up and comes to a boiling point that day.

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