Worship Full: A Vision for Gathered Worship

My heart is being drawn to worship. I believe that worship is not confined to a specific time and place like a worship service. Worship is offering up our bodies as living sacrifices to a God who is described as a consuming and refining fire. Yet, I also believe that the gathered people of God demonstrate through both praises and lamentations their love for God and their need for God. The gathered church comes together to meet with God and be changed. I call this being Worship Full.

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Habits – Part 2: Make it Better

make it better

All organizations can fall into a rut of repeatedly doing the same things in the same ways even when they do not produce the results that they want. I think this can especially be true of churches. Churches and non-profits that resign themselves to routine will commonly say things like,

“People just aren’t interested in Jesus (church) anymore.”

“There are so many other things that compete with people’s time.”

“We’ve never done it that way before.” Variations include: “We’ve always done it this way,” and, “That’s always been our tradition.”

“Don’t upset the apple cart.”

“Don’t rock the boat.”

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