TGIF: National Chocolate Cake Day!

1hh57ohkdcc-toa-heftibaI have to admit that some of the links I have chosen to share do not mesh with a vibrantly delicious picture of a decadent slice of moist chocolate cake. Yet, when I grieved the death of my parents while living in the South, the church sent cake. So… cake transcends whatever is going on in your world. Happy National Chocolate Cake Day. I mean, do you really need an excuse to eat cake?

Enjoy some cake and take a look at some links I wanted to share with you. TGIF! and have a great weekend!

  1. Facts are Our Friends: Why Sharing Fake News Makes Us Look Stupid and Harms Our Witness || Ed Stetzer
  2. The Myth of Inclusion || Jonathan Storment
  3. Sermon on Seeing More Than Just What We Look For || Nadia-Bolz Weber
  4. Chicago’s Minister of Carpentry: He Made 762 Crosses for the City’s Homicide Victims Last Year || Travis M. Andrews

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Jovan preaches for the Littleton Church of Christ near Denver, Colorado. Visit here to listen to sermons preached at the Littleton Church. 

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