Habits – Part 2: Make it Better

make it better

All organizations can fall into a rut of repeatedly doing the same things in the same ways even when they do not produce the results that they want. I think this can especially be true of churches. Churches and non-profits that resign themselves to routine will commonly say things like,

“People just aren’t interested in Jesus (church) anymore.”

“There are so many other things that compete with people’s time.”

“We’ve never done it that way before.” Variations include: “We’ve always done it this way,” and, “That’s always been our tradition.”

“Don’t upset the apple cart.”

“Don’t rock the boat.”

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5 Ways to Grow Your Faith (Guest Post)

Grow_Social SquareThere’s a universal truth in this world God has created: Healthy things grow. 
Every green tree buds in the spring.  Every fresh flower opens it’s petals.  Every little bird learns to spread its wings and fly.  Healthy things grow.  We see it in all of nature around us.  It’s by God’s design and by Gods desire…and it begs the question, “Are you growing?” 
Paul once prayed this for the believers in Ephesus, “I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God.” Ephesians 1.16-17

truth 2 Truth

bibleAfter becoming a follower of Christ I was discipled to believe that the most essential elements in understanding the word of God was logic and common sense. A “plain reading” of the scripture would allow all people to come to the same conclusions and opinions. Any literate person on the planet could open the word of God and understand it. If they read it plainly they would come to the same “truths” as our tribe concerning how we do worship and the steps to salvation. People who discovered different “truths” were making a conscious effort to deny the plain truths found in God’s word. It was that black and white.

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