Greater Faith: Unshakable

The believers in Hebrews like Jesus were being persecuted at the hands of sinners but unlike Jesus, they had not given up their lives. You may be suffering under sin and have become tired and weary. Hebrews chapter 12 gives us reasons to hold on to faith when we are enduring hardships. Discover why you can have an unshakable faith and not lose heart.

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Greater Faith: Greater Word

Listen up! I’ve got a word for you. That might get your attention and you may draw in even more if I told the word was from your forefathers. You might be very intrigued if I said I had word from an angel. You might think that what you would hear would be one of the greatest messages you may ever hear. But the word I’ve got doesn’t come solely from any of those sources. What if I told you there was a Greater Word?

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