The Better Gift: Paul’s Life Verse

In my living room there is a piece of scripture art that a friend made for me. It reads,  “And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again” (2 Corinthians 5:15). It’s my life verse. It reminds me that I no longer live for myself but for Jesus who died and defeated death for all.

My church’s life verses
As part of the body of Christ in South Denver, the Littleton Church lives by these verses:

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’ and ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Matthew 22:37, 39

We love God and love people. That’s our great command which informs our great comission.

Paul’s life verse
The Apostle Paul may not have been familiar with the concept of a life verse. He may not have named what he says in Acts 20:35 as such but I believe he would call it that today. If you don’t have a life verse, may you adopt the words of Christ.

These words had such a profound effect on Paul’s life that he shares them with friends and elders and with you as well. These words of Christ are found in no other writing. They are not even included in the gospels.

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

Acts 20:35

This is Paul’s life verse.

I believe Paul believed that Jesus was not only the better gift but that 

Following Jesus will make your life better and will make you better at life.

Because of the words of Jesus, Paul believed it was better to give than to receive in “everything that he did.”  

How will you choose to live during the Advent/Christmas season? 

Advent points toward the birth of Jesus and his second coming. Jesus is God’s gift to us.

The way most people celebrate Christmas is with gifts. You might be thinking of all the gifts you hope to receive.

You may want better gifts than you received last year. Those desires can lead us to be short-sighted and selfish, only wanting things that are temporary and only finding happiness in receiving.

Jesus teaches us that giving is better than receiving. The better gift is the one that’s given.

Live to give. 

What’s your life verse? Maybe you have life verse or a guiding principle that you live by. Share in the comments below. 

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Jovan preaches for the Littleton Church of Christ near Denver, Colorado. Visit here to listen to sermons preached at the Littleton Church.

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