Worship Full: A Vision for Gathered Worship

My heart is being drawn to worship. I believe that worship is not confined to a specific time and place like a worship service. Worship is offering up our bodies as living sacrifices to a God who is described as a consuming and refining fire. Yet, I also believe that the gathered people of God demonstrate through both praises and lamentations their love for God and their need for God. The gathered church comes together to meet with God and be changed. I call this being Worship Full.

Worship Full (worshipful) is how I describe my vision for gathered worship.


To facilitate a Worship Full culture where people are meeting with God and being changed, I believe we are to practice the following values.

We want people to meet with God through worship that’s…

Worship is centered on Jesus. Jesus is the object of our praise. The sacrifice of our praise, the fruit of our lips is based on his sacrifice made for the forgiveness of our sins.

Worship is dependent on the Spirit’s presence. The Holy Spirit is present among and within God’s people. The Spirit fills the atmosphere giving us both the desire and power to worship God.

Worship is practiced in Spirit and in truth. Worship is based on the truth of God’s word and the gospel of Jesus Christ.  

Authentic and passionate
Worship is true and real. We worship God not just with our minds but with our hearts as well. Authentic worship is born out of our inner experience with God. Passionate worship is likened to the way we are called to love God, with all our heart, mind, soul, body, and strength.

Modern and traditional
Worship is rooted in tradition and modern in practice. When worship is rooted in tradition, we are able to adapt and change with modern styles and practices.

Worship is compelling for unbelievers and sending for believers. Worship must speak in today’s language for today’s believers and unbelievers. Worship is not me focused but God and others focused.

Worship is participation over performance. Worship invites spectators to join in with praises, readings, prayers, testimonies, offerings, and communion. We share our gifts with God and one another.

Worship is for all ages. Children and parents witness each other praise, giving God their affections and devotions. It takes each generation of  worshippers to reach the next one.

Worship is for all people. All the people of God worship with one voice. Being one body with various skin colors, ethnicities, and nationalities is evidence of the gospel’s power to reconcile all people to God and each other. We will celebrate and be united in our differences.

Worship includes both men and women. When the church gathers we will utilize the giftedness of men and women. We are all one in Christ.

We want people to be changed.

Leaving changed is leaving full. Much like the widow’s olive oil was multiplied in 2 Kings 4, as we pour ourselves out to God in worship he pours into us. What we offer to God in praise, he multiplies. We become full and overflowing. We become Worship Full.

Full of faith
Go with faith that fixes our eyes on Jesus and that can move mountains and overcome any doubt and fear.

Full of hope
Go with hope that looks beyond present circumstances believing that God has something better for us.  

Full of love
Go with love that surpasses all understanding and is ever increasing for God, ourselves, and others.

Full of the Spirit
Go with the power of the Spirit that transforms us into the likeness of Jesus and equips us for every good work.

Full of purpose
Go with purpose to share the gospel and serve those in need.  

This is my Worship Full vision for the gathered church. A place for people to meet with God and be changed.

What does worship full mean to you? How would you describe worship?

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Jovan preaches for the Littleton Church of Christ near Denver, Colorado. Visit here to listen to sermons preached at the Littleton Church.

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